Friday 19 March 2010

Pussy Willow.

When I was still just a wee Cro-ling, one of the major pointers of spring was a visit to the woods to pick Pussy Willow.

Not for us fancy Daffodils or Forsythia; it had to be Pussy Willow.

Luckily for small boys, there are only two rules for the presentation of Pussy Willow. 1. They must NEVER be 'arranged'. And 2. They must ALWAYS be put into a plain glass jam-jar. (The same rules apply to all children's bunches of wild flowers)

End of story.

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  1. That bit of cut wood that your jam jar is sitting on looks familiar - is it one of those strange pieces of shaped oak that the French used to use in agricultural machinery?

  2. No, it's a bit of nonsense that I cut with the chainsaw. It usually has a similar shaped terracotta pot on it.

  3. Great image, it almost looks like a painting..

  4. Oh, I just love pussy willows truly a sign of spring..

  5. Cro, you've got me laughing here on the other side of the hemisphere! And the photo does indeed look like a painting. In fact, I clicked on it to enlarge it, certain that it was a painting, and was very surprised to discover that it was not.

  6. It's true, the picture does have a strange quality about it. Maybe the flash came on.
