Sunday 28 February 2010


Back in the early 70's, when we bought our first farmhouse in France, it was common to find furniture abandoned in houses. You bought the house, and all that came with it; in our case that even included an ancient Peugeot car that we found half buried in the huge stone barn.

In that first house was a very heavy kitchen sideboard, a dismantled longcase clock (in several pieces), and the dresser above (amongst other bits and bobs).

It's not particularly old, not particularly wonderful, but extremely handy for storing all our white antique bowls, plates, and nick-knacks. I think it probably dates from the early 1900's, and is poorly constructed from cheap knotty pine. Luckily the fashion for stripping pine furniture never really happened in France, and these lovely old painted country pieces are still to be found everywhere.

I'm very fond of our dresser; even more so as it was FREE.

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  1. In Britain, it's quite often the custom to remove all the light-bulbs when you vacate a house.

  2. I like your dresser too for it is just the sort of thing that appeals to the once decorator in me and makes me know for certain I'll always be. I suppose one never really gives up a vocation completely.

  3. If you were to transport it to one of the many 'antiques' stores in Australia you could whack a price tag in the thousands on it..such is for the desire for authentic French pieces in this country..its lovely
